
boys don't cry

that was my first movie that involved someone gay, let alone transgender. i saw it five years ago, and it scared me then. i was thirteen for goodness sakes. but now i absolutely love it. someone had to say what this movie was saying, and Hillary Swank was a fabulous choice for the starring role. at first i did think she was a boy, until i saw her stuff her pants anyway. shoot if i saw her walking down the street i wouldnt know he used to be a she. but the movie is more than that. its about fear. the fear people have when they dont understand something or someone, and in this case, the tradgedy that brings along with it. this story isnt some happy go lucky i found the love of my life kind of thing. its real, and with real comes sad. a lot of it. this movie has so many twists sometimes its hard to keep up, but in the end it will leave you reeling. its one of those movies that stay with you long after it ends and you return it to the movie rental. i love it. and not just because it was the first movie that got me thinking on my own sexual identity, but because you dont have to be gay or transgender or a lesbian to relate. it can reach anyone, and i think thats what makes it such a powerful, universal movie.

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