
its been a while

so i realize its been a while since i posted last. i apologize, i was fairly busy. but i do have a topic to talk about that is very near and dear to my heart-cuddling. see, now im my friend group it is natural to snuggle, hell its wierd when we dont. not that im complaining. i love it actually. how can you not? its just so comforting and theres just something about it that can make things better. though it is best to cuddle when its cold, otherwise heat stroke may kick in. i already like being close to women, but with friends its better. you can grab their ass and they know youre kidding so all they do is grab yours back! aggression is already sexy anyway. but seriously, i can get away with so much more than any guy could with my friends, and yet i like the same sex as them. i guess liking the same sex has its advantages as well. the best part is that ive even told them that exact thing-that i get away with more than any guy-and they still let me! like im immune to getting in trouble like a guy. and my friends are very physical, they like touch. and who can blame them, i do too. we'd rather be all squished onto one couch than spread out like normal people. someones always holding hands or under someone elses arms or leaning on someones shoulder. i swear sometimes their sexuality is so ambiguous its rediculous. except for one girl who loves the dick. but hey, someone has to.

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