
Unyielding abandonment
Could anything hurt more than
Keeping it all inside my self

I only know one way out
Supposed to use only in emergencies
Never has
Tthere been more need

Open season on my
Nearly whole being

Mentally not such a good choice
Young but easily broken

Stuck alone in the dark
Intimate with fear
Dont want to be another statistic
Entirely on my own, i struggle

Luck isnt on my side.

i never seem to win any competitions. competing for a girl is no different. how am i supposed to jockey against a guy? i mean, sure, i know id be better for someone than some other guy. but how am i supposed to prove that to the object of my affection. well, first it helps if shes gay, and not straight. if she IS straight then its just a lost cause-though there is something appealing about those for me. If shes bi, its a little bit harder, because she could go either way. like my friend.
for example, one night i was hanging out with my friends and my one girl friend-i'll call her hope-goes over to this guy friend-ill call him zander-and just plops down on the floor in front of him. he gives her a massage, and she seems happy. then out of nowhere hope comes over to me and lays her head on my stomach (no idea why). so i begin to play with her hair, because i know almost every girl likes that. and hope seems happy there. then zander offers her another massage, and shes a massage whore, so she goes back over there. now that is playing both sides of the fense, only between friends who dont mind.
that situation it is impossible to tell who would sway said girl and be allowed to date her. if shes straight, you got no chanse unless she feels like adventuring but its not advised for your well being. but if shes gay, then you have won. its hard when you have no clue which way she swings. but its a simple matter of just asking her. i hope womever you find attractive reciprocates the feelings, it sucks to be rejected.

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