
no need

let in the day
after a dark night
if youre still here
its time to give up the fight

its been too long
since you took a break
its too much pain
more than you can take

time now to let go
of things you cant fix
dont wanna look back
and want that kiss

need to learn
when its time to forget
have to learn to forgive
but no need to let go yet

wait for the day
to decide you cant stay
wait, hope, and pray
these feelings will go away

i have always had trouble with this concept. it comes up constantly in my writing. i know i need to let go. but when you held someone so beautiful and perfect in your hands and you watch it slip right through your fingers, how else am i supposed to react? i guess i need to take it a day at a time, but then each one feels so long. i wish i had taken a picture, it would have lasted longer than our friendship did.

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