
best dream ever

ladies, i think i had the best dream i have ever had. it's simple yes, its short, and its sweet. heres what happened- i was living by the skin of my teeth, barely getting by. i was so poor i didnt know where i was sleeping that night or how i was gonna get food, but i had family and i had the love of my life with me. we had packs of our personal belongings, for me i had my journals, some clothes and other small things. those were the only things to our names, what was in those bags. but we felt alive, and we felt blissful.we went into fancy stored to try on new things, but always walked out empty-handed, and we were okay with that because what we lacked in physical posessions, we made up in making eachother happy. we always ended up aat salvation armies and the like thrift stores when we needed new clothes and no one really minded. we went on adventures to abandoned buildings and new cities everyday. and we were happy. when we laid our heads to sleep we had beside us someone we loved. my girlfriend and i were asleep on a used couch and we were cozy, we kept eachother warm. and in the morning, the love of my life woke before me and to wake me up she gently brushed my hair out of my face. i woke to see the shining, smiling face of this girl that i could not believe loved me. she was beautiful and kind and sweet and compassionate and understanding, and in love with someone like me. and i dont have the highest self esteem in the world, so it felt absolutely amazing to see such an incredible girl smiling at me as the first thing i see on a new day. for me, its the small things that make the difference for me. so when my girlfriend does something with such genuine gentleness was the most beautiful thing ever. and unfortunately for me, i woke up to find out it wasn't real. i had no girlfriend that loves me like that. yet. i guess a girl can dream.

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