

God's gift to all those who are willing to take a gander at such a marvelous creation. look at them, they defy all laws of gravity. it's unbelievable how its so easy to stare at something i know i have. i know it's rude to look at those two than someones eyes, but with cleavage like this, you cant help but lower your gaze. if youve seen a certian italian show, you know who this is, as vinny said "jenny you forgot your shirt" and everyone can see that she did. her excuse for a shirt doesnt cover much. and i dont really see anyone complaining! its so easy to lose you concentration if a girl with too much cleavage walks by you on the street, or in a store, or in a resturaunt, or on the beach. why yes, i do want fries with that shake. thats all transformers did-have megan fox run around without a proper bra. and it sold. a lot.

come on, seriously? what do you expect to get if you actually put this into a movie. of course it was popular, but a third movie, that's just pushing it too far. there can't be much plot to it. sorry, i went off track. any way, cleavage. i am a boobs woman, and i saw a great little comic to prove its best to be a boobs person.


fabulous isn't it?

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