
biker babes

bike ads are nice to place attractive women.
i ride my bike all the time. its nice to see others biking as well. its even better when the other people biking are attractive women. plus i bet it gets many guys to bike, if you were to see this woman biking by you as you walked wouldnt you wish you could bike next to her instead of watching her pass by? sure she may get a little sweaty but then that means she needs to take a shower, and if you were with het, that may mean you could help her get those harder to reach spots. whew letting my mind run a little bit rampant, should i tone it down? nah. if you dont like it, dont read it.
so shes a little dirty, but she has nice legs,who cares about some mud?
i think its become pretty obvious that almost every famous woman athlete is extremely attractive, she is no different. even if she has some dirt in her teeth, they are otherwise practically perfect. practically perfect teeth, perfect legs, nice abs, whats not to like?
black and white, old school. just as hot

so i think you get a glimpse of why i like to ride my bike. i think its kind of obvious and if you dont get it, im not spelling it out for you. though by now i have hand tan lines because of the biking gloves i wear, how dumb can i be?

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