
damn bounty hunters, they're like gnats

the other day my friend and i were bored, so we just started looking up attractive looking people to quell our boredom. it was actually pretty fun. looking at hot women is always a great way to pass the time. i actually had a dream with the charmed girls it it. back when prue was alive, yeah she was pretty. basically we sat on a cruise ship and joked around. phoebe and prue were talking and piper was off doing something so i was just looking around. prue noticed i was just spacing out and turned her attention to me. she's stunning and made me go weak at the knees, i was a goner as soon as her green eyes bore into mine. she asked what i was thinking about, and ni said how i felt a bit left out because i was on my own on this cruise. she said i wasn't, that i had three sisters to talk to. and i laughed, and took her bracelet and she and i commenced to wrestling (i know, hot right?) over posession of her bracelet. then some other things that don't really matter happened and i woke up. but i sorta wanted it to last longer, and for it to be real. oh well, guess i'll make do with other beautiful women.

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