
i love the beach

i love the beach so much. why? sun, sand, water, and gorgeous women all around. simple as that. why wouldnt anyone like the beach? wear sunscreen, bring an extra change of clothes, and a good attitude and the beach practically guarantees a good time. you can tan, you can read, you can sleep-in the shade, you can play in the water, you can play volleyball, you can run, you can lounge, you can eat, the list can go on and on. the only downside is trying to find parking. in chicago youll be lucky to find a spot close by, usually it takes forever to find a place to park on a busy day. but the beach is worth it. mostly because you get to stare at beautiful women shamelessly while they flaunt their bodies sun-bathing in bikinis. you could even get lucky enough to help apply tanning oil on said lady's back. sometimes i feel like a man cant really appreciate all the hard work women put in to make themselves look so atractive. for some reason men are dense and that makes their understanding of the female mind slow and mostly incorrect. some women work very hard to get the best body they can, and i think that deserves applause, recognition and attention. its nice ot see women walk around confidently, and show their stuff. the best is when an attractive woman catches you staring and gives you the look that says "i see you staring, but oddly enough i dont mind. in fact, it makes me feel good about myself so i'll leave it at that" and you look away because you got caught at something slightly enbarassing. or you could stare into her eyes hoping shell stare back and then youll have just picked up yourself a new lady-friend. though i must warn you, this doesnt actually happen all that often; usually its the first option. but youd get credit for trying. to be honest, id almost be pissed that it worked for you and not me. what do you have that i dont?

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